Google Hire update uses AI to help recruiters connect with candidates | Tech News

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Google’s Hire platform is getting an artificial intelligence (AI) update, helping recruiters more quickly connect with candidates, according to a Tuesday blog post. Hire was initially released last year, as part of the G Suite set of apps, to help users manage the hiring process.

With this update, Hire is able to complete easy functions with one-click. Instead of clicking multiple pages to make an appointment or contact candidates, recruiters can let Google’s AI do the work.

The success of Hire, prior to the update, is substantial. In fact, recruiters confirmed that Hire drastically improved how they recruited by 84%, cutting down time switching between apps and completing simple tasks, the post said.

SEE: Artificial intelligence: Trends, obstacles, and potential wins (Tech Pro Research)

Here are a few improvements for recruiters to enjoy:

Quick interview scheduling

Interview scheduling involves a slew of logistics, between working with employee’s calendars, booking conference rooms, and preparing questions. Hire now uses AI to make this process easier, automatically suggesting time slots and interviewers, making the process almost instantaneous.

If an interviewer realizes they have a conflict and cancels, Hire alerts the hiring manager of the change and even recommends replacement interviewers, the post explained. This update allows recruiters to use their time preparing for the interviews instead of finding rooms and monitoring calendars.

Auto-highlighting resumes

Another big time-consumer is sifting through resumes. Google conducted research on recruiter interactions with Hire and noticed recruiters using the “Ctrl+F” function to search for certain skills, according to the blog post. With AI, Hire can independently scan for terms in a search field or job description and highlight them on the resumes, as well as synonyms and acronyms, the post continued. AI shifted a task from monotonous and menial to autonomous and efficient.

Click to call

Lastly, recruiters spend a large amount of time on the phone, whether holding interviews, calling references, or offering follow-ups. Instead of taking the time to find the phone number and then alert your coworkers who you’ve spoken with, Hire automatically logs recruiters’ calls so team members know who has spoken to each candidate, the post said. Just click to call the candidate, and your call is logged.

Google’s Hire uses AI to help people work quicker and focus on building relationships and businesses. AI helps automate planning, so that recruiters can begin doing.

The big takeaways for tech leaders:

  • Google’s Hire application added new AI-powered updates, simplifying tasks for recruiters and hiring managers.
  • With auto-scheduled interviews, auto-highlighted resumes, and click to call actions, AI reduces the time it takes for recruiters to complete tasks in Google Hire, allowing them to focus more on candidates.

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Image: iStockphoto/phototechno

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