Destiny 2: Bungie Details How Milestones are Changing in Forsaken | Gaming
Destiny 2: Forsaken will be bringing both major additions and big changes to the Destiny experience when it launches this fall. Alongside dramatic alterations to systems such as weapon slots, Bungie is improving the quality of Guardian life by making the gathering of powerful loot a more interesting and convenient experience. Weekly milestones are about to change for the better, and Bungie has divulged all the details.
Steve Cotton, Game Director for Destiny 2: Forsaken, recently sat down for an interview with Game Informer and provided some new insight into how players will acquire their powerful gear each week. The changes coming to milestones begin with the number available to players each week. Instead of the set number of activities veteran players are used to, the actual number of available milestones will differ from week to week.
Aside from activities like the raid, most milestones will also follow a new four-day schedule. All of these activities are also being taken out of the objective tab and will instead be revealed to players as points of interest in the director.
The term “milestones” is also being retired for the time being. Once Destiny 2: Forsaken launches, “milestones” will simply be known as “challenges.” The activities that are currently referred to as “challenges” will be folded into Forsaken’s new bounty system. As for what players will actually be doing, that will vary depending on the week.
Players can even expect daily opportunities to earn powerful gear through activities such as Strikes, Gambit, Heroic Story Missions, or even the Crucible’s newest game mode. Iron Banner and Faction Rallies will, of course, have their own sets of challenges for players to complete.
Bungie has even taken those who can’t log in every day into account. According to Cotton, up to four daily challenges will stack for players between logins. Waiting longer than four days will mean missing the reset, but there will still be four challenges available next time a player signs on. Additional opportunities for exciting new gear will also be made available through bounties, and there will even be some unmarked challenges hidden throughout the world for players to find.
With Destiny and so far with Destiny 2, Bungie has been unable to give dedicated players a solid reason to keep playing from week to week. Perhaps these changes, alongside the updates coming to mods and other systems, will be enough to finally give the developer a solid base from which to create that reason.
Destiny 2: Forsaken launches for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on September 4.
Source: Game Informer
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