Destiny 2 Player Beats Last Wish Raid Boss Solo | Gaming News

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In the first 24 hours that the Destiny 2: Forsaken Last Wish raid was live, only 12 people managed to beat it (18 counting the team that went over by two minutes). This is much less than the first 24 hours of D1‘s King’s Fall raid, but it has been steadily on the rise, with various titles and privileges being claimed. Now, one player has managed to beat the first raid , Kalli, .

Prior to that, many Destiny 2 players are likely aware that Clan Redeem was the first team to beat the Last Wish raid, getting the honorary World’s First title and reward. While this Kalli solo achievement isn’t one with a significant reward, it is one that comes with significant bragging rights. After all, this raid isn’t so simple.

As seen below, the first known solo raid of Kalli is completed by noted challenge runner Slayerage. Going into the raid, his power level was 587, and he argues that this boss is likely the only that can be solo’d. For those still working on getting a power level high enough to complete the raid, check out this guide here. Then, check out Slayerage in action below:

All-in-all, this is very impressive, requiring both high levels of dedication and skill. For newcomers to the raid, Slayerage recommended players just stay on top of the mechanics, as those are often life-and-death situations themselves. Beating the boss (and consequently the raid) is just the reward.

Although this stunt is impressive, it isn’t the only raid-related incident where a full fireteam wasn’t present and/or required. In fact, 4 players were able to beat the raid’s final boss, Riven of a Thousand Voices. These stunts only go to show what hard work and dedication to a game can do, as the difficulty of Kalli and Riven both is no joking matter. It remains to be seen what else comes from this raid, but for now, some players are taking it to the next level.

Destiny 2: Forsaken is available now.

Source: Reddit

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