God of War Blooper Reel Shows Some Midgard Mishaps | Gaming News
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There is almost what feels like a unanimous buzz around gaming culture about the success of Santa Monica Studio’s God of War. The soft reboot for the adventures of Kratos took a completely different direction with new combat, deeper narrative, a shift to Norse Mythology, and a giant open-world for players to explore. While the final product that made it into the hands of consumers is one likely to be nominated for many awards come the end of 2018, the process of building such a complex game comes with its struggles.
God of War developer Santa Monica Studio released never before seen footage today showing off some of the best mishaps to emerge during the game’s development process. The “gag reel” captures a number of goofy animations and broken gameplay that’s included, but certainly not limited to: Atreus randomly yelling for monsters and running circles around enemies without attacking and Kratos being flung in the air and suddenly dying at one point without taking damage. The video also contains a bit of commentary from the game’s director, Cory Barlog.
It’s no secret game development is a difficult profession to take on in media. The layer of interactivity in games means developers have to find more ways to make their experiences, which usually last much longer than movies/television, engaging and fun for players. While watching Kratos fly in the air uncontrollably can give a good laugh to anyone, there’s no way anyone would be alright with having to deal with such as issue on a regular basis, especially given the history of quality releases from Santa Monica Studio in the past.
Thankfully for the studio, God of War didn’t have much issue, if any, appealing to the masses as one of the most successful games in PlayStation history. Kratos’ newest journey to the land of Migard and Norse Mythology was both critically acclaimed and commercially successful, becoming the fastest-selling PlayStation 4 exclusive at the time in its first three days following release (eventually being surpassed by Marvel’s Spider-Man just five months later). With director Cory Barlog confirming there are plans for more God of War games to come in the future, there’s a chance fans will once again get to see some of the classic mishaps the sequel will have in its development process sometime in the future.
God of War is available now exclusively for PlayStation 4.
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