Marketing & Me | Tech News

In our Career and Marketing class we went to the Destiny USA mall to look at local businesses using our buzz words and how they apply to the business and us. The businesses we visited were Old Navy, True Religion, H&M, and TJ Maxx, we chose one low-end and one high-end store for each group. Our buzz words were marketing, and skills which related to how the business marketed itself, how clean, and neat they were and how they conveyed what they sell.
Old Navy, True Religion and H&M all conveyed what they sell very well (which was clothing) while TJ Maxx seemed scattered in their focus as they sold many different items from candles to clothes. They didn’t have a sense of direction as their windows were cluttered and no sense of organization. Through their cluttered disorganized concepts we learned that as we begin to market for ourselves we need to put our best skills forward and create a clean Resume which highlights all of our other skills.


Along with comparing a high and low end store we focused on individual Buzzwords. We each were given a buzzword to focus our lense while looking at the stores. They guided us on how to present ourselves to a potential employer or to the public in a positive manner. With these buzz words we’re able to use and manipulate them to fit a specific criteria. These words help us grow as professionals and as young adults ascending into the world.

Life ready
Goal setting
Strategic plan
Social Media
Community involvement
Self exploration
Career search
Logos and References

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