Many facial recognition systems have a harder time identifying African-American, Asian and native groups than Caucasians, according to a study released…
According to DataRobot report, nearly half of tech pros are concerned about AI bias, yet many organizations still use untrustworthy AI systems Salesforce’s…
Researchers at IBM are developing ways to reduce bias in machine learning models and to identify bias in data sets that train AI, with the goal of avoiding…
In most circles, the word “bias” has obviously negative connotations. Regarding the media, it means news is slanted one way or another. In science, it means…
The theory behind machine learning tools that are like neural networks is that they function and, more specifically, learn in a similar way to the human brain.…
One of the problems in society that AI decision-making was meant to solve, was bias. After all, aren’t computers less likely to have inherent views on, for…
Microsoft Corp. called for new legislation to govern artificial intelligence software for recognizing faces, advocating for human review and oversight of the…
Latest Apps and Software’s machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women. The team…