As workplaces grapple with the realities of reopening amid the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, voice technologies and contactless interfaces could provide the…
AI will fundamentally change the workplace. In the near future, AI enabled machines will be involved in everything from onboarding customers and employees,…
Virtual reality has been two years away from mainstream adoption for the past six years. In that time, huge companies have made big VR bets only to walk away,…
While the GAA has implemented a WhatsApp ban for its clubs, a recent survey showed 41pc of UK workers use the messaging app for business purposes. WhatsApp is…
Facebook is bringing its Portal devices to the workplace for people to make voice and video calls. Workplace by Facebook delivered a number of upgrades as…
DESPITE technology transforming offices and manufacturing facilities, managers are often concerned with the health and safety of their workers and employees.…
Building on Oracle and Microsoft’s cloud interoperability partnership, Oracle today announced the availability of an integration between Oracle Digital…
Employers deploying wearables in the workplace are possibly exposing themselves to more risk than they realize by collecting more data than they need. While…