Virtual Reality Tops The UK Video Game Charts
We don’t often chalk up the video game charts but the rise of virtual reality made for something truly special this week. Sony’s brand new VR encounter, Blood and Truth just debuted at the top of this week’s charts.
Released last week, and developed by the cutting edge in house team at Studio Soho, Blood and Truth is a VR exclusive game. It quite literally throws players into the shoes, suit, and jacket of Ryan Marks. This ex-special forces soldier is forced to go face to face with the criminal underworld of London in order to save his family from a brutal end. In the process players wield weapons, kick in doors, and blast their way through the criminal underworld in this action-packed first-person shooter.
Like earlier iterations of London Heist, also by Studio Soho, Blood and Truth is a PSVR exclusive title designed to get the most out of the Sony system. However, unlike the earlier exhibition title, this big-budget action adventure exists on a decidedly grander scale, even embedding extra lighting effects just for the VR experience.
The Top Ten
Blood and Truth’s chart impact reflects physical sales and managed to bump Crash Team Racing off the top spot. The rest of the Uk Charts look like this:
While Bill fights his way through the London mob scene, this news is a massive achievement for Virtual Reality games and is a significant milestone for the PSVR platform. While technically inferior to some PC platforms, Sony’s virtual reality system has shifted over a million headsets and comes in at a significant discount on any VR ready gaming rig. This might just be the moment we remember VR going mainstream. If you’re ready to get into VR or just fancy hooking up a PSVR and stumbling around the front room in a three-day-old t-shirt shouting “Come ‘Ere G’Ovonor!” then Blood and Truth is out now.
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