Weather Up syncs with your calendar to show event forecasts | Apps


Contrast’s Atlas has rebranded its app to Weather Up, and the 2.0 update brings calendar-synced event forecasts, international support, and an increased subscription price. Previously $4.99 / year or $0.49 / month, the Weather Up Pro subscription, which removes ads and adds event forecasts and extra icons and widgets, is now $9.99 / year or $1.99 / month.

Though pretty useful, syncing calendar events to weather isn’t a new idea. Other apps like Fresh Air (previously Weather or Not) have had this ability since 2014 and offer it without a subscription model. But to Weather Up’s credit, its interface makes it a lot easier to see all of your events at a glance, instead of one day at a time.

Weather Up is pretty committed to making sure the interface is exactly to your liking. It gives you options to customize the weather icon designs, letting you choose if you want your icons to have cute faces or more minimal outlines and line art (though some of these icons are restricted to a Pro subscription). You can also change the app icon to better match the other apps on your phone screen.

The app also shows a 30-minute animated radar map, but it’s limited to the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, and Europe. Other map layers that show temperature and humidity are limited to the US and Canada, while 1-hour and 24-hour rain totals are limited to the US.

Weather Up is available now for iOS on the App Store.

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