What was the best app of 2018?

Many new apps appeared on the Play Store this year. We dedicate an article each week to talk about new apps. The year is now ending and it’s time to take stock. Although Google has already developed its own list of top new apps, we’d like to know what you think. So what do you think was the best app of 2018?

In this first survey, we want to know which app was the best of the year. Of course, our notion of “app” is quite broad. We’re talking about all the apps on the Play Store excluding games (we’ll make another survey for this later). We know it’s difficult to choose one in particular when there are so many different apps on the market. That’s why we want your help to name a winner!

Among the most popular new apps this year, we’ll mention IGTV, which offers a new video experience. Unlike other video platforms, IGTV helps you create videos in portrait format (meaning vertical), as opposed to a landscape format. Google Lens, Google’s visual recognition feature, is now available on the Play Store and was also one of the highlights of this year.

google lens
Google Lens sometimes works well. Sometimes it’s more complicated. / © Prosyscom Tech News

Many other apps have also emerged. In our survey, we tried to identify the main ones. Of course, it’s possible that we forgot some apps. Feel free to make your suggestions in the comments section!

You’ll find our list of choices below. Let us know what you think!

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