Is Algorithmic Intelligence Different from Human Intelligence? 2 of 4 | Tech News

Human intelligence is programmed in many ways, (e.g. cultural, religious influence, brainwashing) though it is ordinarily taught or trained by unwitting parents and teachers. Yet, unlike machines that strictly and involuntarily transform inputs into outputs, human intelligence need not depend on teachers or parents.

The precocious and playful child can learn anything with a willful aptitude for observing, grasping and discriminating the indisputable facts and relationships that give meaning to (make relevant) what is happening out of all that is taking place.

The willful aptitude appears to be a capacity (a well-developed mind). It is not an activity like intelligence. The mind appears to be a semantic (organizing) space for not only receiving information, also recognizing and triggering specified cognitive and emotional processes in light of inferred representations.

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