Pokemon Fans Suggest New Mode for the Games

Pokemon think that there’s a mode that would greatly improve their enjoyment of the next Pokemon games. While Pokemon has always enjoyed immense popularity, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be improved upon further.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet brought new ideas and gameplay to the franchise, letting players choose for themselves where to travel to and which Pokemon gym leader to challenge to a fight. While many new features in the game were applauded by fans, Pokemon games are still missing some modern gaming modes and features, and this is one that fans would make a big impact on the game’s formula for them.

Pokemon fan ReinhartHartrein47 queried other players, and the consensus seems to be that a New Game+ mode for Pokemon is something many would like to see. While players can start a new game any time, or switch to the other version of the game to get a parallel experience, the proposed New Game+ mode would feature improved AI and increased difficulty. ReinhartHartrein47 recommended that nothing carry forward except Charms, which could increase the rate of finding Shinies on a playthrough if players got the Shiny Charm first.

Many other fans seemed to be in agreement that this would be a good idea, though there are some variations on it as well. Some players suggested bringing the player’s lead Pokemon, or even their entire team with them into New Game+ mode, but with the levels reduced so they have to start all over again. Several also suggested that the player’s entire collection of Pokemon could be preserved in the PC until they reach a level appropriate to use them again, in order to maintain the challenge without losing the player’s achievements.

Others suggested that rather than relying on an entire New Game+ mode for increased difficulty, that Game Freak should simply add the ability to boost Pokemon games’ difficulty and even an option to skip the tutorial for those who are well acquainted with the series. While Pokemon Black 2 featured a way to play the game on a harder difficulty, it was only accessible at the end of the trainer’s journey to the Pokemon League. With Pokemon Red and Blue launching thirty years ago, there are plenty of players who don’t need their hand held to learn the basics when starting up a Pokemon game, and these changes could help address that.

Whether Game Freak will ever implement such ideas remains to be seen. For now, players have additional content on the way in the form of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC, which will hopefully help to resolve some of the complaints players had about the base games.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are available now for Nintendo Switch.

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