6 skills a social media ideator needs to develop to thrive | Social
Through social media, one is able to more effectively and intimately interact with others, however, these digital platforms also act as disrupters to the real world, which often compete for your time and energy.
This is why it is imperative that the content posted is of value and snackable – easily digestible and understood – to draw the audience’s attention. With individuals wanting seamless interactions online, quality content becomes the lifeline of social media. If creative produces organic interaction (likes, shares, retweets) and you will have captured an audience that will provide their full attention.
Creative thinkers (or ideators) enable a more interactive and engaging digital platform. They require incredibly clever social media ideas. Ideators who create social content that consistently informs and entertains your community, as well as enticing online ‘passers-by’ to agree that clever content requires an ideator with the following skills:
Step 1: Creative thinking and curiosity
You’re an Ideator, you need to think creatively. The first step of any content marketing strategy is the creation of that fantastic new idea that is creative and original. Be curious. You need to be willing to ask, “Why?” or, “What now?” or, “How can we help people?” when dealing with customers or looking for ways to build your brand’s community.
Step 2: Teachability and adaptability
With constant changes in the digital sphere always on the go, it isn’t about how much you know today, it’s far more important you can successfully navigate new tools, updates and channels tomorrow, as they become increasingly more relevant to your customer.
Step 3: Being an authentic storyteller
It’s only a buzzword if that buzz has been buzzing for the last 17,000-odd years. Our third skill is the very important skill of “storytelling”. Stories take you on a journey. Going on a journey with someone creates a bond and that bond that will become your brand’s strongest asset. Storytelling is essential to content marketing because it creates the ability to weave your product, service or brand-information into a narrative that is accessible, relatable and enjoyable.
By focusing on creating content – tell a story that interests your audience and you will not only maintain your audience’s loyalty and trust but also encourage others to join.
Step 4: Great at customer service
Be polite, quick and offer value in your communication, as customers will respond positively to a brand that is working on building a relationship with them, consistently ensuring they have an experience with the brand as a result.
Step 5: Becoming one in mindset
As a creative, all processes need to sync and be accounted for, so ensure that from the beginning (idea-phase) to the end (posting) you have one transaction.
The look and feel must be similar to create a platform that is integrated and all posts should be effectively monitored using analytics to gauge engagement and sentiment. It’s a learning cycle that requires an adequate amount of knowledge and project management to ensure that deadlines are met and that the audience is positively stimulated. Having one look, one, feel and one team, you will have one focus and it will become increasingly easier to execute your idea.
Step 6: Passion
In a field that’s ever-changing and never sleeps, it’s important that social media professionals have a true passion, even an obsession, for creating the very best content. Sometimes it may feel like a pointless little post in a world of high-speed quality content consumption, but a little bit of passion and crafted care will ensure your brand’s content will always get the consumers’ thumbs-up.
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