In some situations, the use of the program could lead to leakage of personal information. The specialist gave advice on how not to become a victim of fraud…
Pavel Durov claims that the hacking of the iPhone of Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the world, occurred due to vulnerabilities in WhatsApp. Facebook which owns…
Transferring personal data to someone (details of cards and accounts, passport data), you can become a victim of cyber fraud, so you can not do this in any…
More than 200m homes now have a smart speaker providing voice-controlled access to the internet, according to one global estimate. Add this to the talking…
Instagram will start issuing warnings to users who are in danger of having their accounts on the social media platform banned. This is one of the changes being…
Blippar, the U.K.-based AR startup that raised more than $130 million, may be nearing the end of the road. The company has been burning through cash in a bid…
A poll conducted by New Scientist Live has found 53 percent of the UK’s population are weary of the threat posed by AI. About 51 percent of those polled…