Most businesses have changed their IT priorities due to COVID-19
Telstra today published Business Continuity, Flexible Working and Adaptive Infrastructure, a new white paper identifying the technological challenges and the industry outlook post-COVID-19.
Businesses are recalibrating their digital transformation strategy
93% of businesses state they have changed their IT priorities either incrementally, significantly, or dramatically. Businesses are updating their overall IT strategy, with the top priority for respondents across all regions being to set up policies for their remote workforce. This includes areas such as ensuring employees can connect securely while accessing their applications and data.
Nearly one in ten enterprises did not have a BCP pre-COVID-19. Of those organisations that did have a BCP in place, almost a third (29%) did not have plans in place to respond to an unexpected global event such as a pandemic. In Southeast Asia and Australia and New Zealand (SEA and ANZ), 22% claimed to have a full BCP in place, demonstrating significant preparedness for responding to major events, including pandemics, ranking the highest among the regions.
The results point to the need for businesses to not only dramatically widen the scope of BCP, but also to rely on more data tools to discover the hidden relationships between data sets, identify more vulnerabilities and consider ways to generate a risk score on a more formal and regular basis.
Video is the new voice in collaboration. 98% of respondents believe there will be ‘an increased reliance on video conferencing to replace face-to-face meetings post-COVID-19 recovery’.
Nearly half of respondents are now adopting a cloud-first contact centre strategy for improving end to end capabilities for speed and agility when serving customers. The sentiment is the strongest in North Asia at 57%, followed by SEA and ANZ at 52%.
Outlook for Southeast Asia and Australia and New Zealand
The top business priorities for SEA and ANZ respondents – Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand – are improving ICT and security resilience for business continuity purposes (77%). They are investing in Unified Communications and Collaboration tools, including video conferencing for remote working, accelerating cloud adoption, and looking at role-based ICT solutions that incorporate strong automation and digital tooling. Some 84% of leaders see this as a high priority compared to a global average of 74%.
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