Coin Charts – WordPress Cryptocurrencies Historical Charts | Prosyscom Tech


About Coin Charts

Coin Charts is a WordPress plugin for cryptocurrency historical data display.
One amazing shortcode for 68 cryptocurrencies & two theme.


Available Intervals

  • 1 day
  • 7 days
  • 1 month
  • 3 months
  • 6 months
  • All Time

Available Cryptocurrencies

  1. BTC (Bitcoin)
  2. ETH (Ethereum)
  3. XRP (Ripple)
  4. ETC (Ethereum Classic)
  5. GNT (Golem)
  6. DOGE (Dogecoin)
  7. STR (Stellar)
  8. XEM (Nem)
  9. LTC (Litecoin)
  10. XMR (Monero)
  11. DGB (DigiByte)
  12. SC (Siacoin)
  13. BTS (BitShares)
  14. ZEC (Zcash)
  15. DASH (Dash)
  16. BCN (Bytecoin)
  17. FCT (Factom)
  18. BTM (Bitmark)
  19. STRAT (Stratis)
  20. STEEM (Steem)
  21. REP (Augur)
  22. LSK (Lisk)
  23. NXT (Nxt)
  24. SYS (SysCoin)
  25. MAID (MaidSafeCoin)
  26. ARDR (Ardor)
  27. GAME (GameCredits)
  28. DCR (Decred)
  29. GNO (Gnosis)
  30. AMP (Synereo)
  31. LBC (LBRY Credits)
  32. CLAM (Clams)
  33. VTC (Vertcoin)
  34. BURST (Burst)
  35. RIC (Riecoin)
  36. NAV (NAV Coin)
  37. PINK (PinkCoin)
  38. PPC (Peercoin)
  39. EXP (Expanse)
  40. XCP (Counterparty)
  41. BTCD (BitcoinDark)
  42. EMC2 (Einsteinium)
  43. VIA (Viacoin)
  44. NXC (Nexium)
  45. NEOS (NeosCoin)
  46. FLO (FlorinCoin)
  47. PASC (Pascal Coin)
  48. RADS (Radium)
  49. POT (PotCoin)
  50. BLK (BlackCoin)
  51. BELA (BelaCoin)
  52. BCY (Bitcrystals)
  53. FLDC (FoldingCoin)
  54. XPM (Primecoin)
  55. NMC (Namecoin)
  56. GRC (GridCoin)
  57. XVC (Vcash)
  58. XBC (Bitcoin Plus)
  59. HUC (HunterCoin)
  60. VRC (VeriCoin)
  61. OMNI (Omni)
  62. SBD (Steem Dollars)
  63. BCH (Bitcoin Cash)
  64. ZRX (0x)
  65. CVC (Civic)
  66. OMG (OmiseGO)
  67. GAS (Gas)
  68. STORJ (Storj)

Usage Example

[coin-chart symbol="BTC" theme="dark" window="7d"]
[coin-chart symbol="ETH" theme="light" window="all"]


  • Cron Job creation
  • WordPress 3.6+
  • PHP 5.3+
  • PHP cURL
  • Compatible with Visual Composer 3.7.2+


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