Destiny 2: Is DARCI or Whisper of the Worm Sniper Rifle Better? | Gaming
With the arrival of a new Power weapon in Destiny 2, this time in the form of the Whisper of the Worm exotic sniper rifle, players are trying to figure out if it is now the highest damage weapon in the entire game. A player on the Destiny The Game subreddit did some damage tests between a current favorite, the DARCI, and the new Whisper of the Worm, and the results are definitely worth a look.
The Reddit user, “dl33t3d,” posted a spreadsheet showing the data collected using the DARCI and the Whisper of the Worm in a strict damage per second (DPS) test. While it could be said that Whisper of the Worm will outperform DARCI in overall damage in Destiny 2, the differences here are much more nuanced than that.
The answer is not necessarily that one of these exotic sniper rifles is better than the other, but the more important question is under which condition should each of these weapons be used. Because DARCI is a faster firing weapon and can burn through all its ammo in a shorter amount of time, it can actually output more damage per second over a shorter period of time. By this player’s tests, a damage phase shorter than 12.5 seconds favors the DARCI. However, if players have a damage phase longer than 12.5 seconds, the Whisper of the Worm then overtakes DARCI’s DPS output at that point.
Both exotics are tremendous for boss damage in Destiny 2, and especially considering the difficulty and timed exclusivity of the secret quest players must complete to get their hands on the Whisper of the Worm, both exotics are great options for PvE.
Currently, the Whisper of the Worm cannot be earned as the quest has disappeared. Developer Bungie says the chance to get it will return next week but the exact time is currently unknown.
Destiny 2 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.
Source: Destiny The Game Reddit
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