People Can Fly Would Love a ‘Second Life’ For Bulletstorm Series

Bulletstorm developer Can Fly has said that it wants to see the wacky FPS have a “second ”, suggesting that the studio would love to develop another game set in its over the top world.

Talking to Eurogamer, People Can Fly CEO Sebastian Wojciechowski said “We want this IP to have its second life. We’re still not sure what that means but obviously since this is our IP – we own the IP – and the IP is known and has its fans, we would like to do something about it.”

Wojciechowski followed this up with an emphasis that a return to Bulletstorm is not on the cards right now. “There are no immediate plans to come back to this IP,” he said. “but if we think about PCF in the longer-run, then obviously it would be awesome to come back to this IP.”

People Can Fly is currently developing Outriders, a new co-op shooter with no relation to the Bulletstorm universe. It is tempting to think about what the studio could make after it has finished work on that game, though.

Wojciechowski pointed out that the Full Clip Edition remaster, released in 2017, and this year’s Switch release indicates that People Can Fly still has a lot of love for Bulletstorm, despite it having originally released way back in 2011. Almost a decade later, the game’s fan base still endures. Hopefully it makes sense for a new game if and when People Can Fly has the opportunity to return to Bulletstorm.

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