Destiny 2 Players Beat Forsaken Raid, Unlock New Content for Everyone | Gaming News
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The members of Clan Redeem who beat Last Wish are getting some shiny swag as a reward.
Bungie promised that Last Wish, the raid included in Destiny 2’s Forsaken DLC, would be a challenge for even hardened players, and it seems to have delivered on that promise. It took nearly 19 hours before Last Wish was first beaten, the longest it’s taken the community to beat any Destiny raid for the first time. But they got something for everyone in the process.
After Clan Redeem beat the Raid, Bungie unlocked a new Dreaming City-themed Strike and Gambit map for all Forsaken players. Additionally, all players will now see a new cutscene when they enter the Dreaming City, which is Forsaken’s endgame location.
Clan Redeem’s completion of Last Wish also generated an ominous in-game message to all Destiny 2 players notifying them of the accomplishment. “A team of Guardians entered the heart of the Dreaming City and slew Riven of a Thousand Voices,” read the message. “They had no way of knowing that was exactly what Riven wanted…”
Last Wish went online at 10 am PDT on September 14, and members of Clan Redeem finally became the first players to take it down at approximately 4:45 pm on September 15. It was the fifth time Clan Redeem became the world’s first players to accomplish such a feat in Destiny. For their efforts, Bungie will reward each member with professional wrestling-style belts with Destiny branding.
Each time Bungie has previously added a new Destiny raid, it’s taken only several hours until a group of players completed it for the first time. The 18 hours and 48 minutes it took Clan Redeem to complete Last Wish was significantly longer.
Before Forsaken even launched, some players managed to glitch their way into snagging some of Last Wish’s gear. Now, of course, all Forsaken players can try the Last Wish raid and access the Dreaming City themselves.
Nick Santangelo is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia. He loves video games and sports, but not sports video games. Follow him on Twitter.
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