Fortnite Appears to Be Teasing a Borderlands Crossover
Fortnite and Borderlands may be getting ready for a crossover, as a recent Tweet by Fortnite included a photo that has a hidden Psycho mask from Borderlands in it.Fortnite’s Tweet further teases the crossover as it says “when you see it…” and uses #FortniteXMayhem.
This is most interesting as the Borderlands Twitter account frequently uses #LetsMakeSomeMayhem, which also features a Psycho mask emoji at the end of the hashtag.
Crossovers are nothing new to Fortnite, as the battle royale title has had everything from Marvel’s Avengers, John Wick, all 32 NFL teams, and Nike Air Jordans brought into its universe.
The timing for this would be perfect as well, as Borderlands 3 will be released on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on September 13, 2019. It will also arrive on Google Stadia, but at a later date.
Borderlands 3 is also our IGN First for this month, and we have a ton of exclusive coverage, including the first 14 minutes of Borderlands 3, a look at the new Proving Grounds End Game mode, and a look at how Borderlands 3 made (literally) 1 billion guns possible.
Fortnite is currently in its 10th season, and the newest season brought with it map changes, B.R.U.T.E. Mechs, Rift Zones, and more.
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