Borderlands 3 had many returning characters, but the absence of Axton and Salvador raises questions about their whereabouts in the third game.Borderlands 3…
During its PAX Online Digital Showcase, Gearbox detailed the new features coming to Borderlands 3, including confirmation that it will launch on PlayStation…
In addition to new enemies and missions, the ongoing “Revenge of the Cartels” event in Borderlands 3 introduced a number of new legendary weapons for players…
As more and more gamers sink their free time into their favorite games, many of those games are looking to give back. Borderlands 3 has been running regular…
Gearbox announced Guns, Love, and Tentacles: The Marriage of Wainwright & Hammerlock, the second piece of post-release Borderlands 3 story content, at PAX…
Since the launch of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands 3 in September 2019, the community has been perplexed by the presence of multiple letters hidden throughout…
The Borderlands 3 January 16 hotfix is now live, and it has given fans a number of reasons to load up their Vault Hunters and dive back into Gearbox Software’s…